Numerology, is it spiritual mathematics?

Forgotten Knowledge
8 min readDec 3, 2021


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What is numerology? Many people suggest many things, some say it is an ancient belief system in the divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events. In this article, I will try to explain in plain words a much as I can about the meaning of numerology.

There are various types of numerology depending on the culture of the person that defines it. However, there is one thing that should know about numerology-numbers has always been a part of human culture and systems, numerology is a form of mathematics but in a spiritual form you can examine your life or simply calculate the next vent in your life, numerology is one of the best formulas or tools you can use.

It reveals your personality's diverse parts and how they can be combined together to form your personality today. It can also bring out the hidden faculties within you. In the alphabet, every letter has an equivalent number, just like in the ancient Hebrew scripts. In Hebrew scriptures, it's called gematia. By associating numbers to letters, it is an old method historian believe that one’s name and personality can be known.

The numbers and letters can vary depending on the tradition they follow. Oftentimes many people count the letter in the alphabet and they add all the digits together to obtain a number that would represent the letter. Several people also consider that numerology is the forefather of mathematics, which makes it analogous to the study of astronomy, astrology, chemistry, or alchemy.

There a still a group of people that dought the accuracy and benefits of numerology if it's true or false. It can be quite complicated for some. It is natural for your to have a question in your mind, but once you have understood everything about it, you will know how it works and how numbers are calculated.

Numerology is one of the oldest ways to view numbers. Yet, since it
is used in different parts of the world, there are different types of how to calculate numbers, and each way may vary depending on the culture of the person who is using the method.

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The fundamentals of numerology are not new as most of you think, but it is the best way for you to determine how things work with numerology and how numerologists arrive at their calculations.

The whole concept of numerology started when Pythagoras, the father of geometry, connect everything to numbers. He even stated that each person has his own specific personality and unique vibration. Pythagoras is also the one who divided the soul of humans in to nine types, and these numbers are still used in modern society. anyone can be a numerologist. The only thing you need is a paper, pen, and some calculations. Numerology can be compared to some divination methods, it constantly moves and uses the magnetic energy of the planet.

Each person has several numbers which can work as codes. If these numbers were deciphered, you will learn about destiny, karma, spiritual, emotional, and personality influences. You will even discover why there are people who get on your nerves and how you can figure it out. Some consider it as a metaphysical science while others state that it’s the perception of a mystical and romantic relationship among the lifestyle and figures. Numerology is aligned with paranormal and astrology.

Numerology rules have connections with the frequencies of a person, a numerologist begins by evaluating figures that are related to the person that of birth and name and so they can determine the characters of a person.

In numerology, every single amount has adverse characteristics and constructive characteristics. Numerology supporters think that its concept determines and emphasize they're good personalities. Numerology was well known by early mathematicians some say that it even has roots from the ancient doctrine of Egypt and Babylon.

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Pythagoras was a well-known mathematician who was credited as the first one that the study it, that is why he is known as the father of numerology. He believed that the world is constructed within the figures’ energy. Pythagoras is also the creator of various theorems which are used in mathematics today. During the 20th century, a doctor was coined for her contribution to numerology.

There is no definitive proof about the real origin of numerology. Several numerologists today state that the earliest record of numerology practice was in Egypt and Babylonia. There are even some statements that Egyptians use numerology to decode their gods’ names to avoid their enemies by just pronouncing them.

A mystery for most researchers before Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician, and philosopher, believed that everything has numerical values. Even though Pythagoras is widely recognized as the father of numerology, the analysis of each number for symbolic meanings as well as values was practiced for thousands or hundreds of years before Pythagoras claimed the existence of numerical relationships. So, although Pythagoras is not the mastermind of numerology, his studies became the basis of all people using the science of numbers. While traditions and cultures play a big role, modern numerology serves as the new wave or level of numerology. This science of numbers may not be involved in mathematics, but it still has a huge part in today’s world.

In numerology, your birth date has a corresponding number and each number has its own meaning. The result of the calculation of your birth date is called birth number. Your name has also a corresponding number and the number is called your destiny number. The calculation is not that difficult. Even kids can calculate it, as it only involves adding and breaking down numbers.

Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay

The birth number is said to be the number that reveals the natural abilities and powers. But, what does the number one means?

The destiny number, on the contrary, shows the purpose of your life, the opportunities that are present, and how they can be achieved with the use of your maximum potential. But, what does the number one means?

The expression number is one of the core numbers. It is even considered as the most essential number in the numerology chart of a person. Based on your birth name’s letters, your expression number can reveal the abilities, talents, as well as shortcomings you hold. The name of a person represents his/her personal history. Whatever your history is, this will shape your future. Before parents meet their kids, they already have instincts about their kids’ names. This intuition will serve as the guiding force which will pick up the personal vibrations of the child. The name that is given by your parents was actually meant for you. For you to determine your expression number, you need to write your full name. Then, add the numbers of your name. Since the alphabet is using an ascending form, the numbers are used starting from 1 to 9 only. The result will be your expression number. If you have encountered a result like 33, 22, and 11, do not reduce them because they are called Master Numbers, But what do Expression numbers mean?

For those who believe in reincarnation, numerology may also work that way. Your full name’s vibration is seen in the totality of your development which may include experiences, wisdom you accumulated, and talents. Every experience, whether big or small can influence your life. The expression is not a prediction or something that you may use in the future, but it is a way on how to know your personality and ability. With the use of expression numbers, you will understand your personality and nature

The expression number may just be a piece of advice or something. But, what they don’t know is that this might help them develop their skills and talents in the future. The meanings of these numbers can also be the best way to get rid of your weakness and to balance it with your strength.

Your name and birth date play an important factor in numerology, but does your love life add up? The answer is simple and it may depend on your experiences in life, especially in love aspects. Each number in numerology has its own meaning and its scope does not just end on your career or future life. It may also include your love life.

People receive vibrations and frequencies in different forms. Most of these vibrations can be expressed using numbers with the names of a person, his/her date of birth, home address, and so on. However, none of those vibrations describe the personality of a person. They are just vibrational influences that may vary in strengths. The vibration of a person’s name can be in the strongest form because it is written, applied, and spoken.

Difference of Numerology from Astrology Numerology has a huge difference from astrology. One of its differences is that astrology does not use any zodiac signs or horoscopes, but it may use zodiacs to calculate the numbers of months or days. But typically, it focuses more on numbers. When compared to astrology, numerology does not predict your future or career life. However, the meanings of numbers are based on your experiences in the past. Numerology does not also foretell your future career. The meanings of numbers will just guide your future career.

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These meanings also suggest how you can avoid the negative energy that may fail you to achieve success in life. Moreover, they may help you make the most of your talents or personalities that could lead you to the path of success. For those who have heard numerology for the first time, you have to bear in mind that it is not a way for you to know your future. No one knows their future. Even numbers can’t predict them. The only thing you need to do is create your destiny and concentrate on what you want to achieve in life. If you will apply the meanings of birth number and expression number to your life, make sure that you will use them wisely.

The meanings of those numbers don’t suggest you believe. The decision is still yours. If you think that it has a huge contribution to your life, then consider them. However, if you think that it would just ruin your plan in life, don’t apply it to your daily life and just use it as your guide because it can serve as your guide in anything that you do.

Overall, numerology is an interesting study which you may take into consideration, especially if you are searching for answers and you want to be more prepared for your future career life. Remember, numerology can serve as your guide. If you have knowledge about it, use it to benefit other people. Don’t overuse or abuse your power and knowledge because they might ruin your life in the future and maybe the cause of your failure in the end. So, use numerology with caution and wisely.

Find out more and do a professional Numerology Reading!

Forgotten Knowledge



Forgotten Knowledge
Forgotten Knowledge

Written by Forgotten Knowledge

Writer, Blogger, Collector, Photographer

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