Law Of Attraction, the solution for your desire!

Forgotten Knowledge
10 min readNov 26, 2021


The best way to understand the law of attraction is for you to become a big magnet. Everything else in the universe is subjected to that magnet, become that magnet! It is important that you know what desires you should stay away from and what thoughts you should try and keep from your head. Even if you do not speak out on thought it can still draw certain things into your life. Words can be very powerful so it is important that you study and train your brain not to think negatively. The law of attraction can work some real miracles for your life. You just have to have the right understanding of it and use it correctly.

Always remember the fact that even if you do not use the law of attraction to your advantage it still exists and is always working, even if it is negative. So you may as well get a hold of it and harness the true potential of its power.

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Everything in existence is brought on by the law of attraction

Simply, if you had a thought or made some take of the decision or took some type of action that makes everything happen the way it does. It is like a big circle, things go around but they come right back to where they started. Therefore, if you do things or have good thoughts, good things will eventually come back around your way. On the other hand, if you do negative things and have negative thoughts and feelings, nothing but negativity is going to come back your way.

As mentioned before, everything you do impacts how the law of attraction will behave in your life. This is true all the way down to the thoughts that you have. It is true, actions will have more of an impact than thoughts do but thoughts still make a difference when it comes to the law of attraction. Meditation can be a great tool to use to get control over your thoughts and begin to change your thought process entirely.

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Meditation lowers stress The art of meditating is a great way of reducing your levels of stress. Learning how to block off the outside world and focus on yourself is very beneficial when it comes to trying to lower your levels of stress. High levels of stress can cause us to act in ways that we would not normally act such as being aggressive or irritable. As mentioned before, everything you do in life down to your thoughts and attitudes influences the law of attraction. That is why it is so important for you to find a way to lower your stress levels and meditation is honestly one of the best ways. 

Meditation helps us to Learn Our true self Your body is nothing more than a temple for your true self. If you want the law of attraction to work in your favor you will have to learn who you really are. You will have to learn how to look beneath your 11 outer shells and see who you really are. The true you is in your soul and your mind, not in the body that is there to protect it. Meditation allows you to shut off the outside world along with all of its distractions. This will allow you to analyze who you really are and what you really want from life

Your inner self projects energy into the universe that can be thought of kind of like radio signals. These signals contain your thoughts, desires, and actions and the law of attraction will pick up on these signals. Everything in your life influences the law of attraction. You can use this power to bring in an ample amount of good things and opportunities into your life. You want to make sure that you are always projecting positive signals for the law of attraction to pick up on.

The law of attraction will bring into your life what you project that you want. The thing is, sometimes we project signals without even knowing we are doing so. It is important that we get in touch with our true inner selves and learn how to communicate with them. We need to learn how to control our emotions and our thoughts. The way that we think influences the way that we act as well as the things that we do in our daily lives. That is why it is important that we find ways that we can begin to control our thoughts so that we may make better choices and actions and be blessed by the law of attraction

The universe is very powerful and can provide you with the best life possible if you know how to ask it for what you want. Many people are unaware of the benefits that they can receive from asking the universe for what they want. On the other hand, there are people who are aware of the power of the universe but are not aware of how to properly tap in to their inner self to see what they really want.

You are truly setting things into motion when you ask the universe for what you desire. The law of attraction will bring into our life what we want we just have to ask for it. At the same time, you need to live your life as a good person, or no matter how much you ask for you will not receive. You will be amazed by the speed at which everything you need to get everything you ever desired begins to fall into your life when you ask the universe for it. Everything begins to manifest and your life begins to become truly blessed. All of the resources and determination you need to accomplish everything in your life that you have ever wanted will begin to come into your life and you will not have to do anything, as long as you are truthful when you speak to the universe. You will not be able to ask the universe for what you want if you do not know what it is that you want.

This is where meditation and other forms of inner self-communication come into play. You need to be able to look deep inside yourself and discover what your true desires are. You need to be able to tune out all outside influences and discover what it is that you truly want and not what other influences want. Once you are able to communicate with your inner self and learn what your true desires are you will be able to ask the universe for what you want much easier. In order to receive what you want from the universe, you must make sure that you are very clear about what it is that you want. You cannot be vague and you cannot leave out any details. The universe cannot read your mind and if you want it to bless you with what you desire it is very important that you let it know exactly what it is that you want.

Write It, Believe It! In order for the affirmations that you write to work effectively it is highly important for you to make sure that you are doing them in a certain manner.

The following are step-by-step instructions that should help to ensure that you write the most effective affirmation possible. 

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Step One

One of the simplest ways to get started when it comes to writing affirmations is to begin by writing a series of I am statements. You want these statements to be about what you want to become or what you want to bring into your life. This seems really simple, doesn’t it? That is because it is simple. Something as simple as writing out statements on a daily basis can cause the law of attraction to begin to make these statements true. One important thing is that you must always remember to believe these statements or else this entire process will be a waste of time. It may be difficult to believe these statements at first but in time it will become much easier. 

Step Two

It is important that when you write your affirmations you stay away from writing out negative things. You want to stay on a positive note so you need to focus on things such as what you want to bring in to your life and not what you want to get out of it. The law of attraction will react with what you write and what you think so any negative statements might result in undesired results.

Step Three

It is important in life that you are always yourself. You should never try to be someone other than who you really are. This is true even when you are talking about how you write out your affirmations. You want to use words and phrases that are normal for you to use. Do not try to sound like a different person. It is true that you are honest with yourself and that you are true to who you are. 

Step Four

When you write your affirmations it is highly important that you write them out with a lot of energy and passion. You want to throw some of your personality in them. Making them boring and dull will make them seem like more of a task than an affirmation. Affirmations are supposed to be happy and full of hope so put some energy into writing them. 

Step Five

You do not want to waste time worrying about how your affirmations are going to come true. That is the job of the law of attraction. When you write out your affirmations and truly believe them you will draw those things into your life. As stated before, it may not be overnight but it will happen sooner or later.

You will be surprised by the power that affirmations have, I guarantee it you just have to try it for yourself top experience it. The law of attraction is very powerful and using positive affirmations is a great way to harness the power of attraction and use it to benefit your life.

You may feel a little weird at first when you begin writing your affirmations but this feeling will pass in time. I cannot say enough how important it is that you truly believe your affirmations. Affirmations must be believed in if you want them to work. Once again, if you do not believe in your affirmations they will be nothing but a big waste of time.

Be Grateful for What You Have

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Many people are aware of the power of the law of attraction and try to live their lives in ways that will cause it to bring good into their life. The funny thing is that they often overlook one of the most important and simplest steps there is in receiving blessings from the law of attraction. This is the step of remembering to be grateful and to feel as if you already have plenty. This is extremely important because the universe will not reward those who it sees as selfish and those who it does not feel appreciating its blessings.

Even those who remember this step of attraction awareness still choose to neglect it and this never has a good outcome. Gratitude can almost instantly transform every aspect of a person’s life. Gratitude is a very powerful law of attraction exercise and should be practiced as much as possible. This exercise will bring you into harmony with the universe and will heighten your vibrations. You will see different types of people in your life from day today. You will see those people who seem blessed and you will notice that they have many great things in their life such as happiness, a nice car, a nice house, and money. You will also notice another thing, they are grateful for what they have.

On the other hand, people who do not have that much in life and do not seem that happy will always have one thing in common, none of them are grateful for what they have. As stated before, the universe will not reward those who are selfish or ungrateful so you need to make sure that you are always grateful for what you have. No matter how bad a person’s life may be all they need to do is find one thing in their life to be grateful for. The universe will take notice of the fact that you are being grateful, even in bad situations, and the law of attraction will bless you for your gratitude.

Keep in mind that the positive results of the law of attraction may not become evident immediately. You have to put trust and time and patience into the law of attraction but if you do it for long enough you will surely be rewarded for your efforts. Remember to use powerful tools such as meditation and affirmations and remember to communicate with the universe and you will surely get everything you have ever desired.

I hope that I have answered many of your questions about the law of attraction. I hope that I also helped you to understand how you can use the law of attraction to your benefit.

I thank you for your time and I wish you the best on your new journey.

Forgotten Knowledge



Forgotten Knowledge
Forgotten Knowledge

Written by Forgotten Knowledge

Writer, Blogger, Collector, Photographer

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