The Best Way To Change Your Thinking And life Through Meditation

Forgotten Knowledge
9 min readNov 21, 2021


The lotus flower’s symmetry

Medication is basically Vedic Hinduism origin which describes the person’s state of powerful concentration on an object of alertness and thought. In this procedure, a person tries to change his or her thought inward. Mostly people are nowadays very interested in performing these types of activities. Meditation is very popular in eastern religion but nowadays western people also love to perform this activity. Meditation is now part of western culture and western people like this.

Mostly people think that if they will perform medication then they can easily concentrate their mind on God. And if they will focus their mind then it will help them in their personal development. With the help of meditation they can get the peace of mind and if they have peace of mind they will be healthier and live peaceful life.

In America many people perform meditation. There are different forms of meditation performed by people. If you want to do meditation then there is one form that can be performed by anyone. According to Time magazine American wants such a process that can be used by them and this is considered as an initial phase of meditation. But people know how to use it but they don’t know how to initiate this process.

Different persons belonging to Hinduism wrote books on meditation. The Power Of Meditation is a book written by an unknown author long ago. This book is based on meditation for modern life. If you are interested in meditation then you must read this book. Go to market purchase this book and read it carefully. You get a lot of knowledge about meditation and you can get the result in this modern life.

When a person starts something new in his or her life then he wants to know about the success of work.

People have so many lingering questions and they need answers to those questions. People have so many hopes and doubts when they do something new and change and start doing meditation and they think that with the help of meditation they will enlighten their way. People think that meditation is like an exercise and they will perform it regularly for getting better results. People perform this exercise and they take it normal and perform meditation for getting peace of mind.

When you started doing meditation, then you have so many positive and negative things in your mind but when you will do this process then you forget all those negative and positive things and you have a clean slate.

For this process, you must concentrate and observe your breath. If you want to initiate the process of meditation then inhale and exhale your breath deeply and keeping doing this again and again and at get excellent result at the end of day.

If when you will try to do this then your mind will be scattered, just concentrate on your breath and focus on your task. Meditation is a game of concentration, if you think that you are not able to concentrate then practice this process again and again. Also, I recommended you read this book Feng Shui Fortunes it helped me a lot.

What is Walking Meditation and is it Good for Health?

People think that meditation is always performed in closed room where no one can disturb them. They think that they are sitting alone in that room and just concentrating and focusing without any physical movement. They imagine things by closing their eyes in silence and relaxing their body only their mind will work. No physical movement during meditation just sits and performs this process.

If we define meditation then it is a skill or art which helps you in exploring yourself. By the help of meditation process you will discover yourself. It is a method of finding out yourself and many realities of your life. It is very excellent art and you must know how you will perform meditation.

When you are planning for meditation then you need discipline and full mind concentration. If you are thinking that you will learn the process of meditation from any book or website and when you will perform this then you will get 100 percent results. But it takes some time for getting better results. Basically it is a process of modifying your consciousness. There are a specific set of rules and procedures which are defined for performing meditation. The success of your meditation totally depends on the way and the rules you will follow for meditation.

There are different types of procedures for performing meditation. Walking meditation is considered one of the old and traditional procedures. It is different from regular meditation. If you look at different forms of meditation then you know that in most of them there is no physical activity. In walking meditation, you just need to move and walk. In this type of meditation, you make yourself active. As you know that meditation is the process of concentration and focusing so you just need to walk and engage your mind in order to get positive results. Another benefit of walking meditation is that it is a physical activity that you perform daily and it helps you in improving your health.

For walking meditation you have no need to find out separate and quiet room just go out and start your walking meditation. If you are think that you cannot do walking meditation in crowded or noisy place then it is wrong. Meditation experts recommended these types of places because you can better access the process of meditation. Another important thing in meditation is you just concentrate and focused and don’t allow the people and outer world to disturb you and scatter your mind. When you are walking then you are watching the people walking around you and hear the people talking about different things but you just concentrate.

Basically, the purpose of walking meditation is to create a balance between your inner world and your outer world at the same time. Walking meditation gives you a true sense of awareness. In this meditation, you will not only discover yourself but you are also connected with your outside world. When you will achieve this then you will get the answers to your questions. By this process, you will solve so many problems and complexities of your life.

Control yourself through Meditation

In hustle and bustle of life, our mind and body exhaust and resign to daily pressure and stress we face. Physical illnesses may be treated with medicines but soul, which controls our morale, motivation and happiness, cannot be cured with scientific measures. To evaluate your emotions and bring harmony to feelings, you must practice meditation along with other tasks of your life. It relaxes your nerves and muscles and brings peace to your inner structure, which allows greater efficiency in other activities.

Although it’s an intangible mechanism, sill there is some themes that are followed for each distinct technique of meditation. It starts with understanding your own self, the pattern of nature and how both work coherently to bring peace. So instead of beginning the meditation practices randomly, read about the philosophy and underlying rules of that particular activity. Meditation for Relaxation

Image by Thomas Breher from Pixabay

Once you start believing in unseen structures, you get to step closer to the higher purpose of life. This allows you to stay composed regardless of the present condition of your life. Meditation enhances control over feelings and allows you to utilize them for your greater benefit. The moment you become aware of your inner personality traits, you can behave in a more optimistic and constructive manner thus nurturing your social relationships. When your mind becomes healthy, it casts positive impacts on your body and you feel active and competent than before.

God has created this universe maintaining a perfect balance in everything. All-natural elements have energy in them that keeps them functional. The human body also has energy reservoirs but we consume a large amount in carrying out our daily activities. Moreover, our speedy life spoils our peace of mind hinders us from understanding the spiritual details of our own self.

The meditation process requires that you focus your energy and attention to one place and then use it as your power to overshadow your fears and disruption. The division of your mental capability renders disruption and personality disorders followed by pessimistic thoughts that ruin your career. The tenure of meditation process depends on the nature of spiritual ailment.

It can help you control your blood pressure and lessen your anxiety. You can also cure your immune system, which also helps you to maintain resistance against drugs and other addictions.

Through this self-evaluation process, you can quantify your intangible feelings and get aware of the root cause of any disorder. The diagnosis then gives way to healing and curing the soul that ultimately strengthens your personality. By getting aware of your inner powers and how these can contribute to the well-being of society, you are in a better position to achieve your goals. In the ups and downs of life, you often come across situations where you lose hope or temper and are inclined toward bad ways. Grow your Self-Confidence

At these crucial moments, it is imperative that you are clear about your vision of life and can cope with emotional disasters in a more rational manner. Meditation teaches you how to grow poise and calm in your mind to counter-attack such optimism in life.

What is Buddhism Meditation and Seek out Life Meaning?

People are always in search of finding out their inner peace and also the peace of soul and you find this with the help of meditation. Life becomes more frustrated and uncomfortable because of so many changes in the world and life. Meditation helps you to find out the realities of life and also accept those realities with happiness, not as a burden. Stress Less

Different cultures have their own style of meditation. It totally depends on the religion first and then the culture in which you are living. Some people think that along with culture and religion, people are also important. If come in subcontinent Asia then Buddhism is most popular religion who gives importance to meditations. They think that meditation plays an important role when you want to find out the meaning of life. They think that meditation is very important for life enlightenment.

In Buddhism philosophy, meditation is an important point of their religion for spending proper and meaningful life

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

Basically, meditation belongs to Hinduism so Buddhists know the reason behind all the problems in this world. If you know the reasons behind all this suffering in the world it is not important, actually, the thing is you must solve these problems and take mankind out of this plague. The basic purpose of Buddhism meditation is to save mankind from the fear of pain and distress. For saving mankind from problems and pain you must know the reasons. The suffering and pains are due to human endless desires and expectations which they have from people around them. Not only have the people around you but you had so many complaints from the world and sometimes from your life also. When your demands and expectations will not fulfill then you will become frustrated so don’t expect from the world.

Some people think that meditation is very important in getting yourself out of tension and stress. It helps you in watching different things under the light of reality. It teaches you that life is not as simple as you think and it always changes sphere. If you want to live healthy and peaceful life then you must know how you can control your desire and cravings that always irritate you. You can get peace of mind only when you will realize the realities of life and know the fact that life is not as complicated as you are thinking. With the help of meditation, you can live your life fully and can easily enjoy the freedom of living by controlling your emotions and desires.

Meditation plays an important role in getting inner peace. It is a very excellent tool for finding your peace of mind with body relaxation and then preserving it. It will help you a lot in getting out of stress when you are frustrated and the outer environment is not comfortable. It gives you and your mind the right direction and motivation for keeping yourself on the right path and keeping you determined on the truth. It also helps you and teaches you how you can spend a healthy and normal life.

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Forgotten Knowledge
Forgotten Knowledge

Written by Forgotten Knowledge

Writer, Blogger, Collector, Photographer

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